Hansel & Gretel

cscape dance

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Photo: Steve Tanner

Hansel & Gretel

Lost Gardens of Heligan Cornwall:  August -September 2017

Directed by Sally Knight. Text by Callum Mitchell. Music by Seamas Carey

For this show I was inspired by Gene Autry and all the Singing Cowboys, Carl Stalling and The Brothers Grimm. It was an outdoor dance show throughout the gardens. I played accordion & banjo live, produced the sound design, musically directed and narrated. 


"Hansel & Gretel are in the depths of magical woodland but desperate to find their way home. From stones to crumbs, can they follow their trail or will they be side-tracked by the allure of that sticky, sweet home in the woods? And what about the little old lady within? She seems positively lovely… This Summer, Cscape turn the twisting pathways at The Lost Gardens of Heligan in to an evening of story-telling, dance, music, design and installation. Join them on an immersive journey through the gardens. Prepare for darkness, light, magic and wonder… and maybe even a few ‘sweeties’ along the way!"



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Photo: Steve Tanner


Trebah Gardens Cornwall: July 2016

Choreography by Tom Jackson Greaves. Written by Anna Maria Murphy. Music by Seamas Carey.

I scored an entirely recorded soundtrack for this outdoor dance project. The music was influenced by Hans Zimmer, Bernard Herrmann and Les Baxter.  


"Take the plunge, the water’s lovely, taste the wine and the salty bubbly On a storm filled night when clouds were the colour of bad tempers, the briny sea separated Neptune from his son Neleus. But it’s been years and today, something has washed up on the beach that is neither fish nor bird nor boat. It’s the morning of The Neptunalia Ball, but what or who has arrived? Told through dance, story and installation, this is an odyssey of growing up and leaving home. Of prodigal sons and daughters, tattoo parlours, journeys and mysteries.

Cscape Dance Company collaborate with writer Anna Maria Murphy (Kneehigh/BBC Radio 4) and Cornish dancer/choreographer Tom Jackson Greaves (Matthew Bourne/Kneehigh) to bring you Neptunalia at Trebah: a feast for the heart, soul and belly; culminating in celebrations, food, drinks and dancing on the beach."