A new one man comedy show about identity, second homes, nationalism, xenophobia and bagpipes.
Written & performed by Seamas Carey Directed by Agnieszka Blonska Produced by Seamas Carey & imPOSSIBLE Producing
Who am I? Do I belong? Who do I belong to? And who should I vote for?
Cornwall is at a tipping point. House prices soar, the population shifts, tensions rise. Between facebook spats, country lane stand-offs and rants down the pub, nobody’s really talking, and fewer are listening.
Seamas is confused. He is desperately trying to understand.
He’s watched a wave of gentrification sweep through his rural hometown. There’s nowhere to live, yet second homes stand empty. He wishes Cornwall was more welcoming and inclusive, yet watches “up country” money sow division and suspicion.
Could closing borders and nationalism be the answer? Where’s the line between pride and power? What happens when it all goes too far?